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Table 2 Main themes, themes and subthemes arising from the qualitative interviews with participants

From: Patients’ perspectives of the effects of a group-based therapeutic patient education program for bipolar disorder: a qualitative analysis

Themes arising from the qualitative interviews

Main theme 1: Elements of therapeutic education

Theme 1: An atmosphere of trust and security

 Rules for group life


 Possibility of going outside during the sessions

 Freedom of speech and opinions

 Horizontality of the patient-caregiver relationship

Theme 2: Interpersonal factors

 Group heterogeneity

 Peer support

Theme 3: Session facilitators

Health staff

 Complementary skills

 No hierarchy among caregivers

 Empathy and benevolence

Peer helpers

 Sharing experiences and solutions

 Moral support for participants

 Sources of hope

 Links between caregivers and participants

Theme 4: Structure of the sessions

 Participatory sessions

 Varied animation

 Planning of sessions in accordance with participants’ wishes

Main theme 2: Experience of therapeutic education sessions

Theme 1: Cohesion and group spirit

 Good atmosphere

 General positive experience of the sessions

 Disappointment related to the loss of group cohesion when sessions ended

Theme 2: Emotional difficulties

 Confronting the reality of the disorder

 Confronting the suffering of other participants

 Resurgence of painful memories

Theme 3: Time management

 Lack of time

Main theme 3: Changes facilitated by therapeutic education

Theme 1: Evolution of the patient’s relationship to the disorder

 Awareness of the disorder

 Confirmation of the diagnosis of bipolar disorder

 Improved acceptance of the disorder

 Relegation of the disorder to the background

 Hope for recovery

Theme 2: Improving knowledge of the disorder

 Better understanding of the disorder

 Reinforcing prior knowledge

 Correcting false information

Theme 3: Improving disorder management

 Acquisition of tools

 Implementation of new strategies

 Validation of preexisting strategies

 Improved communication concerning the disorder

 Coconstruction of the treatment with the psychiatrist

Theme 4: Development of psychosocial skills

 Removing guilt

 Increasing in self-confidence


Theme 5: Development of social links

 Feeling of belonging to a group

 Reduction in the feeling of loneliness resulting from the disorder

 Expansion of social networks

 Identification and selection of resource persons

 Development of peer support

Theme 6: Change in the management of daily life

 Increased peace of mind and serenity

 Taking a step back from everyday situations

 Increased freedom to act