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Table 1 Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) exercise

From: The effect of the demonstration-based progressive muscle relaxation technique on stress and anxiety in nurses caring for COVID-19 patients: a randomized clinical trial

Part of body


Hand and forearm

“Clench your hand into a fist”


“Rise your eyebrows as much as you can, as if you were startled or shocked”

Upper arm

“Rise your right forearm and flex your bicep,—“make a muscle”

Mouth and jaw

“Open your mouth, as wide as you comfortably can”

Eyes and checks

“Close your eyes very tightly”

Shoulder blades

“Pull back your shoulders as much as possible so that your chest sticks out”


“Tens your shoulder muscles while you raise them as if to shrug them”


“Remain cautious when you flex the muscle. Stand straight and keep your eyes facing forward and then slowly bend your neck backward (look up at the ceiling)”

Chest and stomach

“Take a breath, deep enough to fill your lungs”

Hips and buttocks

“Tens your buttock muscles”

Upper leg

“Flex both your thighs”

Lower leg

“To prevent cramps, do this gently and be careful. To stretch your calf muscles, draw your toes toward yourself”


“Bend down your toes”

  1. This table is taken from a recent study [27]