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Table 1 Demographic, clinical and neuroimaging data

From: AI-based dimensional neuroimaging system for characterizing heterogeneity in brain structure and function in major depressive disorder: COORDINATE-MDD consortium design and rationale

Clinical assessments

 Demographic data (age, sex, ethnicity, handedness, IQ, years of education)

 Standardised diagnostic criteria (DSM or ICD)

 Psychiatric history (including comorbid disorders)

 Form of depression (first episode, recurrent, treatment resistant)

Treatment (current, history)

 Depression rating scales (HRSD, MADRS, QIDS)

Depressive severity (mild, moderate, severe)

 Treatment outcome (baseline and post-treatment rating scale scores, remission, response)


 Structural MRI

 Resting-state fMRI

 Diffusion tensor imaging



Neuropsychological assessments