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Table 1 Summary of the domains, subdomain and subscales serving as the theoretical framework for ZAQa

From: Protocol for the development and testing of the schiZotypy Autism Questionnaire (ZAQ) in adults: a new screening tool to discriminate autism spectrum disorder from schizotypal disorder

Main ZAQ-domains


Subset of items on which responses between individuals with ASD or SD might differ


Number of questions

Diagnostic criteria


Stereotyped behavior, narrow interests, hyper-hyposensitivity to sensory stimuli

1. Steretyped behavior

14 questions

2. Hypersensitivity + Narrow interest

11 questions


Self-disorders, hyper-reflexitivity, magical ideation, positive schizotypy

3. Self-disorders

17 questions

4. Magical ideation + positive schizotypy

13 questions

5. Disorganised schizotypy

5 questions

6. Negative schizotypy

10 questions

Clinical features

Clinical trajectories

Time of onset of symptoms, childhood symptoms

7. Clinical trajectories and symptoms

19 questions

Psychological theory

Theory of Mind (ToM)

Inference of intentions of others, ToM performance, self-referential hypermentalisation, facial emotion perception

8. Theory of Mind

13 questions

Local vs. global processing

Local vs. global processing, imagination and creativity, reading abilities, word interpretation, savant feature, apophenia

9. Local vs. global processing

8 questions

Cognitive features

Attention, memory

Selectivity of attention, selective memory/false memory, working memory performance

10. Cognition

12 questions

11. Higher Cognitive Functions

9 questions

  1. aNote: For a comprehensive account, see also references [28, 29]