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Table 1 PsicAP Protocol components and resources

From: PsicAP transdiagnostic protocol of group cognitive-behavioral training for emotional disorders in Dominican Republic: a randomized controlled trial protocol

Therapeutic components



Information about emotions, anxiety, emotional disorders, cognitive-behavioral treatment components, cognitive errors, the relationship between thought and emotion, clarifications about existing misinformation surrounding emotions and emotional disorders.

Relaxation techniques

Abdominal breathing exercises and audio, progressive muscle relaxation and changes in focus.

Cognitive restructuring training

Ellis ABC model, information about rational and irrational thoughts, and exercises to detect and analyze irrational thoughts and distinguish them from irrational [sic] ones, identify and restructure thinking errors and provide positive self-instructions.

Behavioral therapy

Behavioral activation, exposure therapy and techniques, and training in social skills, assertiveness and problem solving.

Relapse prevention

Problem analysis skills from a cognitive-emotional perspective, tools and practical exercises that have helped us, continuing to practice, until it is overcome.