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Table 4 Characteristics of patients in remission (n = 21)

From: Efficacy, safety and tolerability of escitalopram in doses up to 50 mg in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): an open-label, pilot study


Time to Remission (weeks)


   Mean (SD)

21.1 (12.7)




4, 34

Time in Absolute Sustained Remission (weeks)a


   Mean (SD)

22.5 (7.5)




6, 30

Dose at Remissionb


   20 mg, n (%)

5 (23.8)

   30 mg, n (%)

2 (9.5)

   35 mg, n (%)

4 (19.0)

   40 mg, n (%)

2 (9.5)

   50 mg, n (%)

8 (38.1)

Dose at the 32-week visit (prior to tapering)


   20 mg, n (%)

5 (23.8)

   30 mg, n (%)

3 (14.3)

   35 mg, n (%)

4 (19.0)

   40 mg, n (%)

1 (4.8)

   50 mg, n (%)

8 (38.1)

Dose whilst in remission, mgc


   Mean (SD)

30.7 (11.0)




10, 50

  1. a Dose at remission is taken as the dose at first achieving absolute sustained remission for patients achieving absolute sustained remission, and the dose at the 32-week visit for those patients not achieving absolute sustained remission.
  2. b Time in absolute sustained remission is taken as the difference between the 34-week visit and the week of first achieving absolute sustained remission for patients achieving absolute sustained remission, and as 0 weeks for patients not achieving absolute sustained remission.
  3. c The dose of all episodes of remission i.e. a MADRS score of ≤8