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Table 2 Patient demographics and baseline illness characteristics

From: Efficacy of olanzapine long-acting injection in patients with acutely exacerbated schizophrenia: an insight from effect size comparison with historical oral data


OLZ LAI Study (N = 404)

Oral Study 1 (N = 335)

Oral Study 2 (N = 431)

Oral Study 3 (N = 152)

Male, n (%)

285 (70.5)

294 (87.8)

275 (63.8)

110 (72.4)

Caucasian, n (%)

226 (55.9)

230 (68.7)

372 (86.3)

104 (68.4)

Mean Age, years (SD)

40.8 (11.2)

36.0 (9.4)

35.5 (10.7)

37.6 (9.2)

Mean Age of Disease Onset, years (SD)

23.4 (8.2)

22.0 (5.8)

24.1 (7.7)

21.7 (5.7)

Median Length of Current Episode, days





Mean PANSS Total Score (SD)

101.0 (15.6)


103.3 (18.4)

98.2 (17.7)

Mean BPRS Total (SD)

40.9 (8.9)

41.5 (11.0)

40.7 (10.6)

38.0 (9.0)

  1. Abbreviations: BPRS: Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; OLZ LAI: olanzapine long-acting injection; PANSS: Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; SD: standard deviation