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Table 3 Averagea (± SE) time (in days) between subsequent visits for patients in the multiple visit groups.

From: An examination of the temporal and geographical patterns of psychiatric emergency service use by multiple visit patients as a means for their early detection


1st to 2nd

2nd to 3rd

3rd to 4th

4th to 5th

5th to 6th

6th to 7th

7th to 8th

8th to 9th

9th to 10th

1 to3

605 ± 15

593 ± 25


(N = 3642)b

(N = 1001)


4 to 10

446 ± 25

397 ± 21

433 ± 17

405 ± 20

342 ± 20

353 ± 22

315 ± 31

410 ± 41

443 ± 54


(N = 1406)

(N = 1406)

(N = 1406)

(N = 904)

(N = 622)

(N = 424)

(N = 258)

(N = 139)

(N = 54)


335 ± 37

274 ± 32

199 ± 34

212 ± 30

187 ± 25

183 ± 24

196 ± 26

170 ± 25

186 ± 20


(N = 373)

(N = 373)

(N = 373)

(N = 373)

(N = 373)

(N = 373)

(N = 373)

(N = 373)

(N = 373)

  1. a The mean values for all adjacent cells within a column differ significantly (ANOVA, P < 0.001 for all except the following three adjacent cells. That between the '4 to 10' and the '11 +' group at the 1st to 2nd (P < 0.01), the 2nd to 3rd (P < 0.005) and at the 7th to 8th visits (P < 0.005).
  2. b N values in parentheses represent the number of patients.