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Table 2 Characteristics of the evaluations of gatekeeper training programs targeting Indigenous individuals

From: The need for a culturally-tailored gatekeeper training intervention program in preventing suicide among Indigenous peoples: a systematic review



Study design

Training details

Gatekeeper participants


Summary of outcome measures

Capp et al. 2001 [20]

Australian Indigenous Youth

Self-reported, baseline with follow-up investigation


Community members, professionals and university students N = 44 (F = 40, M = 4)

Mean age = 36 years

Reduce youth suicide through increased ability to identify at risk individuals, and refer to professional help

Significant increase in knowledge, increase in self-efficacy, no changes in behavioural intentions, significant decrease in intention to refer to medical services

Deane et al. 2006 [21]

Australian Indigenous Youth

Self-reported, baseline and follow-up investigation


N = 40 (91 % follow-up) community members

Identify long term effects of inclination to perform gatekeeper training behaviours as a result of the intervention program

The increase in helping at risk people, intentions to help and confidence to identify at risk individuals was sustained at 2 years follow-up. Significant relationship between intentions to help prior to workshop and actually helping someone at risk was witnessed.

Westerman 2007 [22]

Youth & Australian Indigenous Community members

Pre/post training questionnaires


Indigenous Psychological Services

N = 997 to date

N = 769 follow-up

Train mental health service providers to target at risk individuals and prevent suicide

Increase in skills, confidence, intention to help, intention to refer to professional, and better understanding of ‘cultural myths’ of suicidal behaviour

Muehlenkamp et al. 2009 [23]

Native American College students

Assess knowledge scores


N = 90 AIa students, ‘Medicine Wheel’ & QPRb

Increase AIa suicide prevention program use

Reported high levels of satisfaction post study, increased knowledge and student learning

Lafromboise and Lewis 2008 [24]

Zuni Native American youth

School-based skills training

Curriculum based

School-based employees, N = 128

Increase cultural awareness and acceptance of need for suicide prevention

Positive impact on hopelessness, suicidal ideation and students’ abilities to intervene in a peer suicidal crisis situation

Sareen et al. 2013 [26]

Canadian First Nations members, age <16 years old

Self-reported, Case/Control analysis

2 days of ASISTc training vs 2 days of Resilience Retreat (control)

RCT: N = 31 ASISTc participants N = 24 Resilience retreat control participants

Investigate a controlled evaluation of ASISTc gatekeeper training

Based on ITTd analysis, a significant impact on suicide intervention capabilities was not seen between those on the Retreat and those provided ASISTc training. Trends towards increased self-reported suicidal ideation for those on ASISTc training.

  1. aAI Native American, bQPR question, persuade, and refer, cASIST applied suicide intervention skills training, dITT intention to treat. RCT