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Table 4 Cluster of increased white matter fractional anisotropy in the childhood maltreatment group compared with the comparison group (p < 0.05, TFCE-correcteda)

From: Atypical brain structural connectivity and social cognition in childhood maltreatment and peer victimisation


MNI-152 Coordinatesb (mm)

Cluster size


Forceps major and minor/ Bilateral Cingulum bundle/ Corticospinal tract/

Right Anterior thalamic radiation /Anterior corona radiata/ Superior longitudinal fasciculus/ Inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus/ Inferior longitudinal fasciculus/ Uncinate fasciculus

−17, −44, 7



  1. aTFCE Threshold-Free Cluster Enhancement
  2. bMNI Montreal Neurological Institute
  3. cThreshold-free cluster enhancement-corrected p values
  4. dGroup differences were conducted with number of recent stressful events, age onset and duration of early-life stress exposure as covariates