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Table 3 Items of the HCL-32 and their allocation to four factors.

From: The Farsi version of the Hypomania Check-List 32 (HCL-32): Applicability and indication of a four-factorial solution




Favorable dimensions

Unfavorable dimensions


Physically and mentally active

Positive social interactions

Risky behavior and substance use

Difficulties in social interaction and impatience

I am physically more active





I engage in lots of new things





I enjoy my work more





I am more interested in sex/..have increased sexual desire





I am more confident





I have more ideas





I think faster





I do things more quickly





I feel more energetic





I talk more





I am more sociable





I am less shy





I want to meet or do actually meet more people





I tend to drive faster





I drink more coffee





I drink more alcohol





I take more risks in my daily life





I smoke more cigarettes





I can be exhausting or irritating for others





I get into more quarrels





I am more impatient/...get irritable more easily





My thoughts jump from topic to topic





  1. Note: Bold factor loadings refer to the corresponding factors.