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Table 13 Navari et al., 2007

From: Antidepressants in the treatment of depression/depressive symptoms in cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis



Review author’s judgement

Sequence generation

The randomization method is not described.


Allocation concealment

The exact method is not described.


Blinding of participants, personnel, and outcome

Double blind trial. The issue is not addressed by the authors.


Incomplete outcome data

The main outcome was the scores on FACT-G and BZSDS. 193 patients enrolled in the study, 183 were available at the first follow-up and 180 at the second. The reasons for dropouts are not reported. The authors used a completers’ analysis, which was not pre-specified in the description of the study.


Selective outcome reporting

The scores of the FACT-G and BZSDS are not reported. The results are presented as numbers of patients with significant improvement, which is not pre-specified in the description of the study. The AEs are also not reported.


Other sources of bias

The study seems to be free from other sources of bias.
