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Table 1 Socio-demographic characteristics, traumatic experiences and resettlement stressors in three groups of Iranian and Afghan patients

From: Is legal status impacting outcomes of group therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder with male asylum seekers and refugees from Iran and Afghanistan?


Refugee status obtained

Asylum seeker status unchanged

Refugee status unchanged


(N = 16)

(N = 38)

(N = 12)

Age (years)


F(63;2) = 2.531






 Mean (sd)

36.75 (8.48)

37.50 (7.95)

43.00 (7.77)


Country of birth


Chi2(66;2) = 3.790


11 (68.7%)

30 (78.9%)

6 (50.0%)



5 (31.3%)

8 (21.1%)

6 (50.0%)


Marital Status


Chi2(66;2) = 5.988*


9 (56.2%)

20 (51.4%)

11 (91.7%)



7 (43.8%)

18 (48.6%)

1 (8.3%)


Living arrangements


Chi2(66;4) = 9.314

 Alone (single man)

5 (31.3%)

18 (47.4%)

1 (8.3%)


 Alone (married man)

1 (6.3%)

6 (15.8%)

1 (8.3%)


 With family

10 (62.4%)

14 (36.8%)

10 (83.4%)


Living in asylum seekers reception center

9 (56.3%)

28 (80.0%)

1 (8.3%)

Chi2(66;2) = 19.215**

Paid job



2 (16.7%)


Mastery of Dutch language

3 (18.8%)

6 (17.1%)

4 (33.3%)

Chi2(66;2) = 1.787

Trauma in home country


Chi2(66;2) = 7.828*

 Only Torture

5 (31.3%)

24 (63.2%)

3 (25.0%)


 Only War






11 (68.7%)

14 (36.8%)

9 (75.0%)


Number of traumatic experiences (sd)

15.25 (2.49)

14.18 (3.15)

15.50 (2.97)

F(63;2) = 1.277

  1. * p < 0.05.
  2. ** p < 0.01.