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Table 2 Overview of content

From: Internet-based treatment of major depression for patients on a waiting list for inpatient psychotherapy: protocol for a multi-centre randomised controlled trial



Session 1: psychoeducation

First, patients should learn about their disease (symptoms, causes, and types of depression). In addition, the role of motivation in getting through this program should be emphasised.

Sessions 2 and 3: behavioural activation

Second, two behavioural activation sessions will teach the patient about the association between activity and mood. Thus, positive activities can be planned and implemented into the daily routine. In addition, possible obstacles will be considered. The planning of positive activities remains part of the program during the subsequent sessions. Furthermore, participants can work through the facultative module about sleep problems.

Sessions 4 and 5: problem-solving techniques

Sessions 4 and 5 are concerned with problem solving in which the patient learns to distinguish between solvable and unsolvable problems and practises using a six-step plan as a tool to solve problems. Information about unsolvable problems is given as well. Moreover, techniques to stop worrying are introduced.

Session 6: evaluation and preparation

Finally, the patient evaluates his gains and receives a summary of the program. Furthermore, he is encouraged to think about a future plan (such as choosing topics to work on during his inpatient stay).