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Table 3 Elements rated very important with good consensus

From: Essential elements of an early intervention service for psychosis: the opinions of expert clinicians



EIS team should have a catchment area of 250-300,000

The client group

The EIS should work with adolescents as young as 14 years

The client group

EIS should involve users as support workers in community & respite services


The EIS should have designated sessions from a child and adolescent psychiatrist


The EIS should employ youth workers


The EIS should encourage direct referrals from social services

Initial assessment

Assessment should people important to service user other than family

Initial assessment

The initial EIS care plan should be reviewed at 3 months

Initial assessment

The EIS should assess client's eligibility for benefits

Initial assessment

The EIS should allow self referral

Initial assessment

The EIS should not attempt to make a diagnosis at first assessment

Initial assessment

Assessment includes measures symptoms/distress/social functioning/work

Initial assessment

Clients should have education/training plan to employment within 3 months


Clients should have access to user led vocational/educational programme


The EIS should help clients find suitable accommodation


EIS avoids reliance on disability allowance as hampers chances of work


The EIS should provide CBT to prevent transition to psychosis


The EIS should provide Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for depression


The EIS uses structured techniques to encourage compliance with drugs


The EIS should make initial contact with the clients family at home

Relatives and sig others

EIS contacts family/carers and significant others at least monthly

Relatives and sig others

EIS maintains regular contact with family even when client has left home

Relatives and sig others

EIS attempts to form positive relationships with journalists from local media

Community links

The EIS should have access to sports and leisure facilities

Community links

EIS integrates with local community to foster ownership and reduce stigma

Community links