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Archived Comments for: Psychiatric services utilization in completed suicides of a youth centres population

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  1. Community Care for patients with schizophrenia/

    Alix Cull, National Schizophrenia Fellowship (Now Rethink Mental Illness)

    25 August 2006

    I think it is essential that Youth Centres are monitored by people with training in mental illness. They should have a contact to report back to if any patient shows signs of relapsing. My particular interest is schizophrenia. In the U.K. there are too few such trained staff, and where families are involved it is necessary to have their picture of the patient's illness, as they are in the closest contact, and can notice any signs of relapse at an early stage.

    Competing interests

    The competing iterests are the recognised confidentiality between patient and professionals. This can be overcome by outreach teams who are able to visit the patient in the home.
