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Table 1 Characteristics of the included studies

From: Can pill placebo augment cognitive-behavior therapy for panic disorder?





Barlow et al (2000)

DIAGNOSIS: DSM-III-R panic disorder with mild to no agoraphobia

AGE: mean = 34.1 to 37.8 years

SEX: 62% women

12 weeks of:

1. imipramine (mean = 214 to 239 mg/d by week 12) + CBT (11 sessions during 3 months)

2. imipramine alone

3. CBT alone

4. CBT + placebo

5. placebo alone

RESPONSE: > = 40% reduction on PDSS

De Beurs et al (1995)

DIAGNOSIS: DSM-III-R panic disorder with moderate to severe agoraphobia

AGE: mean = 38.8

SEX: 75% women

12 weeks of:

1. fluvoxamine (100–150 mg/day) + exposure (12 weekly sessions)

2. exposure alone

3. placebo + exposure

4. psychological panic management plus exposure

RESPONSE: > = 40% reduction in panic frequency [imputed from its mean & SD]

Sharp et al (1996)

DIAGNOSIS: DSM-III-R panic disorder with or without agoraphobia (% agoraphobia unclear; however, the average score for FQ-Ag was around 15, indicating most had at least some agoraphobia)

AGE: mean = 33.2 to 38.8

SEX: 78% women

12 weeks of:

1. fluvoxamine (100–150 mg/day) + CBT (12 sessions)

2. fluvoxamine alone

3. CBT alone

4. CBT + placebo

5. placebo alone

RESPONSE: "Very much" or "Much improved" on CGI Change

  1. PDSS: Panic Disorder Severity Scale, CGI: Clinical Global Impression