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AOT and treatment engagement: evidence from interviews with consumers


The mental health service consumer's perspective on engagement with treatment focuses is the focus of a one year follow-up study of recipients receiving AOT orders (76) and outpatient recipients without AOT orders (108) participating in a study (n = 184) in two boroughs of New York City.


These data complement information regularly collected by the New York State Office of Mental Health.


AOT recipients report improved relationships with their case managers and greater insight into their illness over time. Recipients also report an increased participation in services, a decrease in some forms of perceived stigma and coercion, and improved quality of life over time. The individual's relationship with the case manager in more actively engaging the individual in making choices about his own treatment importantly influences persons court ordered into treatment to remain in treatment. Specifically the case manager makes the recipient aware of treatment options that are available and support efforts to take advantage of housing and recovery opportunities. In this way the case manager assists the recipient in gaining more control over his life and may facilitate an improved quality of life.


This study provides a unique examination of outpatient commitment from the recipient's perspective.

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Link, B., Castille, D. AOT and treatment engagement: evidence from interviews with consumers. BMC Psychiatry 7 (Suppl 1), S85 (2007).

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