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Table 3 Percentage of undergraduates (with 95 % CIs) willing/unwilling to socially interact with ‘Z’ (n = 4588-4609)

From: Stigmatising attitudes of undergraduates towards their peers with depression: a cross-sectional study in Sri Lanka




1. go out with ‘Z’ in the weekend

8.8 (8.0- 9.7)

91.2 (90.3- 92.0)

2. do joint study with ‘Z’

12.2 (11.3-13.2)

87.8 (86.8- 88.7)

3. invite ‘Z’ to your house

10.7 (9.8- 11.6)

89.3 (88.4- 90.2)

4. go to ‘Z’s house

14.5 (13.5- 15.5)

85.5 (84.5- 86.5)

5. develop a close friendship with ‘Z’

6.8 (6.0- 7.5)

93.2 (92.5- 94.0)