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Table 1 Quality of life 2 years (T1) and 6 years (T2) after the tsunami

From: The relationship between psychiatric morbidity and quality of life: interview study of Norwegian tsunami survivors 2 and 6 years post-disaster


T1 (N = 62)

T2 (N = 59)

M (SD)

M (SD)

Physical healtha

12.6 (1.9)


Psychological healtha

14.5 (2.2)


Social relationshipsa

15.3 (3.1)



16.0 (2.7)


Percieved quality of lifeb

4.0 (0.9)

4.1 (1.0)

Health satisfactionb

3.6 (1.2)

3.7 (1.1)

  1. Table showing quality of life scores at T1 and T2. Mean scores (M) are given, measured with the World Health Organization Quality of Life-Bref scale (WHOQOL-Bref)
  2. aDomain scores from WHOQOL-BREF (range 4-20); these were not measured 6 years post-tsunami
  3. bSingle question from WHOQOL-BREF (range 1-5)