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Table 1 Descriptive profile of emergency department clients with diagnosis of psychosis by psychosocial stressor (n = 765)

From: Psychosocial stressors contributing to emergency psychiatric service utilization in a sample of ethno-culturally diverse clients with psychosis in Toronto


Stressor: housing (n = 144)

Stressor: primary support group (n = 184)

Stressor: social environment (n = 269)

Stressor: economic (n = 114)

Stressor: occupation (n = 151)

Stressor: education (n = 39)

Stressor: other (n = 91)

Stressor: none indicated (n = 173)

East-Asian (n = 137)

16 (11.1%)

37 (20.1%)

49 (18.2%)

10 (8.8%)

20 (13.2%)

11 (28.2%)

11 (12.1%)

40 (23.1%)

South-Asian (n = 91)

20 (13.9%)

29 (15.8%)

32 (11.9%)

14 (12.3%)

21 (13.9%)

8 (20.5%)

14 (15.4%)

9 (5.2%)

Black-African (n = 99)

19 (13.2%)

10 (5.4%)

32 (11.9%)

19 (16.7%)

23 (15.2%)

6 (15.4%)

19 (20.9%)

21 (12.1%)

Black-Caribbean (n = 141)

33 (22.9%)

27 (14.7%)

52 (19.3%)

32 (28.1%)

24 (15.9%)

4 (10.3%)

18 (19.8%)

26 (15.0%)

White-North American (n = 150)

37 (25.7%)

35 (19.0%)

53 (19.7%)

22 (19.3%)

29 (19.2%)

5 (12.8%)

18 (19.8%)

37 (21.4%)

White-European (n = 147)

19 (13.2%)

46 (25.0%)

51 (19.0%)

17 (14.9%)

34 (22.5%)

5 (12.8%)

11 (12.1%)

40 (23.1%)


91 (64.1%)

110 (61.1%)

98 (63.0%)

66 (58.4%)

111 (74.0%)

31 (79.5%)

67 (75.3%)

95 (57.2%)

Age w/ Stressor (Mean ± SD)

38.48 ± 12.83

36.30 ± 14.44

39.26 ± 14.31

39.43 ± 12.74

33.07 ± 10.59

23.15 ± 4.37

34.63 ± 12.47

40.60 ± 14.32

Age w/o Stressor (Mean ± SD)

37.94 ± 14.43

38.56 ± 14.00

37.34 ± 14.00

37.77 ± 14.35

39.22 ± 14.62

38.82 ± 14.03

38.48 ± 14.29

37.26 ± 14.00


48 (34.3%)

99 (54.7%)

112 (42.1%)

49 (44.1%)

76 (51.0%)

24 (61.5%)

41 (45.6%)

84 (50.3%)


79 (56.8%)

97 (53.3%)

133 (50.0%)

51 (45.9%)

71 (47.3%)

25 (64.1%)

42 (46.7%)

109 (64.9%)

Symptom Severity Scale w/ Stressor Indicated (Mean ± SD)

5.33 ± 2.43

4.38 ± 2.36

5.07 ± 2.55

5.33 ± 2.38

4.27 ± 2.60

3.74 ± 2.35

5.04 ± 2.60

5.23 ± 2.56

Symptom Severity Scale w/o Stressor Indicated (Mean ± SD)

4.70 ± 2.55

4.96 ± 2.58

4.68 ± 2.52

2.55 ± 4.73

4.95 ± 2.50

4.88 ± 2.54

4.79 ± 2.53

4.70 ± 2.52