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Table 2 Demographic and medication data and log-transformed power values of the LF, HF, and TP frequency bands of all participants

From: Effects of ABCB1 gene polymorphisms on autonomic nervous system activity during atypical antipsychotic treatment in schizophrenia


All subjects (n = 233)

Age (years)

51.88 ± 15.49

Sex (male/female)




Duration of illness (years)

20.21 ± 14.44

Smoking (smoker/non-smoker)


BMI (kg/m2)

24.08 ± 4.47

CPZeqa (mg/day)

444.40 ± 231.41

BPDeqb (mg/day)

0.83 ± 1.55

DZPeqc (mg/day)

5.84 ± 8.71

PANSS total score

71.59 ± 15.55

lnLF (ms2)

4.37 ± 1.22

lnHF (ms2)

3.92 ± 1.45

lnTotal Power (ms2)

4.99 ± 1.21

  1. Data are presented as the mean ± standard deviation
  2. BMI body mass index, PANSS Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, ln natural log-transformed, HF high frequency, LF low frequency, TP total power
  3. aThe daily doses of antipsychotic drugs were converted to an approximate chlorpromazine equivalent
  4. bThe daily doses of anticholinergic antiparkinsonian drugs were converted to an approximate biperiden equivalent
  5. cThe daily doses of benzodiazepine were converted to an approximate diazepam equivalent