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Table 1 Demographic and fertility characteristics of the infertile couples (n = 141 couples)

From: The relationship between marital satisfaction and depression in infertile couples: an actor–partner interdependence model approach




Test statistic


Age (years)

34.92 ± 6.35

29.82 ± 6.00

t(140) = 12.88

< 0.001

Educational level

χ2(1) = 2.56



96 (68.1)

85 (60.3)



45 (31.9)

56 (39.7)


Duration of marriage (years)

7.37 ± 4.40


Duration of infertility (years)

4.85 ± 3.76


Cause of infertility

 Male factor

51 (36.2)


 Female factor

30 (21.3)



27 (19.1)



33 (23.4)


Failure of previous treatment

 No (First treatment)

71 (50.4)



70 (49.6)


History of abortion


108 (76.6)



33 (23.4)


Type of infertility


102 (72.3)



39 (27.7)

  1. Values are given as “Mean ± SD” or “n (%)”