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Table 8 Tentative ICD-10 “Cross Walk” for ICD-11 Trait Domain Qualifiers

From: Application of the ICD-11 classification of personality disorders

ICD-10 Category

ICD-11 Qualifier

Specific ICD-11 Trait Features

F60.0 Paranoid

Negative Affectivity

Mistrustfulness, anger, bitterness, tendency to hold grudges; may become overwrought over real or perceived slights or insults from others.


Emotional and interpersonal distance; avoidance of close friendships.

F60.1 Schizoid


Do not enjoy intimacy or social interactions and are not particularly interested in sexual relations; aloofness, emotional unexpressiveness, non-reactive to negative and positive events, with a limited capacity for enjoyment.

low Negative Affectivity

Absence of emotional intensity and sensitivity.

F60.2 Dissocial


Lack of empathy including callous, deceptive, manipulative, exploiting, mean, ruthless, and physically aggressive behavior, and may sometimes take pleasure in inflicting pain or harm.


Impulsivity, irresponsibility, recklessness, and lack of planning without regard for risks or consequences.

low Negative Affectivity

Absence of vulnerability, shame, and anxiety.

F60.3 Emotionally unstable

Negative Affectivity

Poor emotion regulation including being overreactive to criticism, problems, and setbacks; low frustration tolerance; often experiencing and displaying multiple emotions simultaneously or vacillate among a range of emotions in a short period of time. Once upset, it is difficult to regain composure.


Impulsivity associated with e.g., substance use, unplanned sexual activity, and sometimes deliberate self-harm; lack of planning.


Sometimes being mean and physically aggressive.

F60.4 Histrionic


Expectation of others’ admiration and attention-seeking behaviours to ensure being the center of others’ focus.


Easily distracted by extraneous stimuli, such as others’ conversations and tend to scan the environment for more enjoyable options. Acts rashly based on whatever is attractive at the moment. Focus on immediate feelings and sensations.

Negative Affectivity

Emotional lability including being overreactive to external events; often experiences and displays multiple emotions simultaneously.

low Detachment

Reversed emotional and social detachment including avoidance of social interactions, limited emotional expression and experience.

F60.5 Anankastic


Perfectionism including hyper-scheduling, planfulness, orderliness, and neatness. Behavioral constraint including control over emotional expression, stubbornness, risk-avoidance, perseveration, and deliberativeness.

low Disinhibition

Reversed irresponsibility, lack of Planning, and impulsivity.

Negative Affectivity

Worry, anxiety, and negativistic attitudes involving rejection of other’s suggestions or advice.

F60.6 Anxious (avoidant)

Negative Affectivity

Anxiety, vulnerability, fear, shame, and low self-esteem/confidence including avoidance of situations and activities that are judged too difficult.


Avoidance of social interactions and intimacy, seek out employment that does not involve interactions with others, and even refuse promotions if it would entail more interaction with others.

low Dissociality

Reversed self-centeredness: attention-seeking behaviours to ensure being the center of others’ focus; believing that one has have many admirable qualities, that one’s accomplishments are outstanding, that one will achieve greatness, and that others should admire one.

F60.7 Dependent

Negative Affectivity

Anxiety, vulnerability, and low self-confidence including dependency, which may be manifested in frequent reliance on others for advice, direction, and other kinds of help.

low Dissociality

Excessive prosocial behavior and absence of self-centeredness: lack of concern about own needs, desires, and comfort, while those of others are overly considered.

F60.8 Other: Narcissistic


Grandiosity, a sense of entitlement, believing that they have many admirable qualities, that they have or will achieve greatness, and that others should admire them.

Negative affectivity

Dysregulated self-esteem, which may involve envy of others’ abilities and indicators of success; the individual can become overwrought over real or perceived slights or insults.