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Table 2 Recommendations for treatment potentiation

From: Clinical guidelines for the management of treatment-resistant depression: French recommendations from experts, the French Association for Biological Psychiatry and Neuropsychopharmacology and the fondation FondaMental

Potentiation Treatment

Target level:

1rst Intention


0,5 à 0,8 mmol/La


50 à 150 mg/dayb

2nd Intention


2,5 à 10 mg/dayc


25 à 50 μg/dayd


200 à 400 mg/day

  1. a: A plasma level of less than 0, 4 mmol/L is not recommended in this indication
  2. b: A dosage greater than 300 mg/day is not recommended in this indication
  3. c: A dosage greater than 15 mg day is not recommended in this indication
  4. d: Numeric trend (no consensus)