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Table 2 Themes and contents of the brief MBI

From: The effect of a brief mindfulness-based intervention on personal recovery in people with bipolar disorder: a randomized controlled trial (study protocol)


Intention of interventions

Major mindfulness practice

1. Welcome in the moment

Introduction of mindfulness; experiential learning and practice of mindfulness; start off a mindfulness journey in daily life

➢ Movement exercise and brief sitting meditation practice

➢ Raisin exercises

➢ Yoga-Body scan

➢ Breathing space introduction

➢ Home practice

2. Responding with depression

Deepen mindfulness experience; experiential learning thoughts âž” emotions relationship; emotion-focused meditation (depression); learning ways to respond with depression

➢ Body scan

➢ Mindful sitting with breath, sounds and thoughts

➢ Automatic negative thoughts scenarios (thoughts ➔ emotions)

➢ Emotion-focused meditation – depression

➢ Breathing space

➢ Home practice

3. Responding with mania

Deepen mindfulness experience; experiential learning emotions âž” thoughts relationship; emotion-focused meditation (mania); learning ways to respond with mania

➢ Mindful walking

➢ Why be mindful with mania

➢ Automatic positive thoughts scenarios (emotions ➔ thoughts)

➢ Emotion-focused meditation – mania

➢ Breathing space acceptance

➢ Home practice

4. Self-care and Kindness to self

Deepen mindfulness experience; Cultivation loving-kindness and compassion to self

➢ Mindful sitting with breath, sounds and thoughts

➢ The compassionate coaching story

➢ Self-soothing activities with mindfulness

➢ Loving-kindness meditation

➢ Home practice