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Table 1 CORE modules and their objectives

From: Efficacy of a self-applied online program to promote resilience and coping skills in university students in four Spanish-speaking countries: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial



0. Welcome

Introduction module to the program, with an explanation about the tools and the way to use CORE

1. Psychoeducation

Explanation of psychological wellbeing and the concept of resilience:

- Understand the concept of psychological well-being, its most important aspects, and their relevance in life.

- Understand the concept of resilience and the importance of training and cultivating it.

2. Autonomy: building my way

Enhancement of autonomy:

- Develop a healthy lifestyle (by pursuing balance in several areas: activity, food, sleep). This lifestyle will allow the person to focus on his/her goals in life.

- Increase psychological well-being by working on abilities potentially related to values and goals in life.

3. Mindfulness and self-compassion

Training in mindfulness, savoring, and an attitude of self-compassion:

- Learn the meaning of “mindfulness”, how to develop this ability, and the benefits that its practice can bring.

- Learn to distance ourselves from our thoughts and how to handle them.

- Understand the importance of, recognize, capture, and enjoy the good moments.

- Develop the skill of kindness and self-care, i.e., the capacity for self-compassion.

4. Overcoming obstacles

Development of coping strategies to deal with daily difficulties in life:

- Be aware of the importance of facing problems properly.

- Learn the Problem Solving Technique and how to apply it.

- Learn the role of our thoughts in the way we feel and how to be flexible in our way of interpreting situations.

5. Connecting to others

Acknowledge the relevance of relationships and how they can be helpful in the construction of well-being:

- Recognize the importance of our social relations.

- Learn to care for and improve our social relations.

- Learn to promote quality relationships, which can contribute to maintaining and strengthening resilience.

6. Purpose in life and personal growth

Encourage students to deal with the future with a positive attitude, taking into account what is important for each person and planning the future according to these objectives.