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Table 2 List of Focus Group Questions

From: Systematic content analysis of patient evaluations of START NOW psychotherapy reveals practical strategies for improving the treatment of opioid use disorder

Component of START NOW

Focus Group Questions

View of Real Life Practice Exercises

- Is it likely or unlikely for you to practice some of the take home exercises?

- How can the facilitator encourage you to do the take home exercises?

- Do you like or dislike having practice exercises to do at home?

View of in- Session Practice Exercises

- What content in the session could have been improved?

- Was the worksheet during the START NOW session helpful or not helpful? Please explain.

View of Specific Lesson of the day

- Was there a concept that you found confusing or unclear? Please describe.

- Was this lesson useful?

- How could this lesson be better taught?

View of Clinician

- If the concept was confusing due to delivery, how could the delivery have been changed?

- What could the facilitator have done to make you feel more involved and engaged?

- What advice would you give the facilitator?

Overall Impression of START NOW

- How did your START NOW session compare to the other types of groups that you have been in before?

- Do you think that you like START NOW more or less?

- Sometimes, we’re not in the mood to participate. Was this true for you at any time during your START NOW session?

- What is your overall impression of START NOW?