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Table 2 Overview of contents and therapeutic approaches in the modules of study arm 1 (mindfulness-CBT-based web self-help

From: Comparing a mindfulness- and CBT-based guided self-help Internet- and mobile-based intervention against a waiting list control condition as treatment for adults with frequent cannabis use: a randomized controlled trial of CANreduce 3.0


Content and therapeutic approaches / resources

Mindfulness practices (adopted or adapted from the indicated source)

Module 1: introduction

-Pros and cons of using cannabis, consumption goal, confidence of change (MI techniques [14])

-Introduction into mindfulness [27, 31, 56, 57]

-Mindfulness breathing [58]

-Body scan [58]

Module 2: trigger

-Reflecting on practicing mindfulness (including its challenges; (MBRP; [31])

-Identifying personal triggers and recognizing seemingly irrelevant but triggering decisions (CBT approach to relapse prevention; [25])

-Dealing with urges (MBRP; [31])

-Urge surfing [31]

-Mountain meditation [31]

Module 3: craving

-Introduction to and detailed discussion of the concept of craving (MBRP; [31], CBT [59])

-Ways of dealing with craving: ‘SOBER breathing space’ (MBRP; [31])

- SOBER breathing space [31]

Module 4: (re)lapse

-(Re)lapse cycle with a particular focus on thoughts (MBRP; [31])

-Ways of breaking the relapse cycle (MBRP; [31])

-Dealing and coping with (re)lapses (including being self-compassioned) (MBRP; [31])

-Mindfulness in everyday life

-Self-compassion [56]

-SOBER breathing space (with a focus on thoughts; [31])

-Walking meditation [60]

Module 5: time for yourself

-Dealing with stress [32]

-Developing healthy sleep habits [61, 62]

-Decreasing excessive ruminations [61, 63,64,65,66,67]

-Strengthening social contacts [23]

-Recognizing thoughts as thoughts [56]

-Lovingkindness meditation [56]

Module 6: addressing problems

-Relationships between consumption, problems, and low moods (depressive symptoms) [24]

-Skills to deal with solvable and unsolvable problems, including cognitive [61] and mindfulness approaches (MBRP; [31])

In order to accept negative feelings that might arise from unsolvable problems, two practices are suggested – urge surfing and lovingkindness meditation (Links to these meditations are provided)

Module 7: lifestyle-balance, self-care and saying ‘no’ (refusal skills)

-Awareness of and nurturing lifestyle balance and self-care (MBRP; [31])

-Strengthening refusal skills for use in high-risk situations (based on CBT; [15])

-SOBER breathing space (with a focus on thoughts; [31])

-Lovingkindness meditation [56]

Module 8: preserving achievements

-Review of program

-Writing down personal tips to help secure achievements after the program is complete (based on MI techniques; [14]

-Emphasizing the importance of the continuation of practicing mindfulness (MBRP; [31])

-Overview of introduced mindfulness practices within the program

-Further resources on mindfulness (books, videos, courses, etc.)

Link to an overview that includes all practices that were introduced within CANreduce 3.0