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Table 3 Outcomes associated with delirium among patients with COVID-19

From: COVID-19 severity and age increase the odds of delirium in hospitalized adults with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection: a cohort study


No Delirium (N = 56), n (%) or median days (q1-q3)

Delirium (N = 43), n (%) or median days (q1-q3)

Unadjusted Model Result (95% confidence interval); P-value

Adjusted* Model Result (95% confidence interval); P-value

Safety attendant use odds ratio^

4 (7%)

12 (28%)

5.0 (1.5, 17.0); P = 0.009

4.5 (1.0, 20.7); P = 0.050

Discharge to home odds ratio^

47 (84%)

17 (40%)

0.1 (0.05, 0.3); P < 0.0001

0.2 (0.06, 0.6); P = 0.005

Length of stay, median days (q1-q3) parameter estimate#

7.5 (4–13)

14 (11–27)

10.3 (5.3, 15.3); P < 0.0001

7.5 (2.0, 13.0); P = 0.008

  1. *Adjusted for age, race, ethnicity, and COVID-19 severity classification
  2. ^Safety attendant use and Discharge to home = Odds ratio (95% confidence interval); p-value
  3. #Length of stay = parameter estimate (95% Confidence interval); p-value