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Table 1 Life domains included in the review

From: Interventions to improve social circumstances of people with mental health conditions: a rapid evidence synthesis

Life domain

Relevant social circumstances

Housing and homelessness


Housing instability (achieving and sustaining tenancies)

Housing quality (individual housing and neighbourhoods)

Money and basic needs


Financial barriers to essential resources (including food and fuel poverty and availability, access to transport)


Money management

Work and education

Unemployment (achieving and sustaining paid employment – including. open market and sheltered work)

Precarious work

Lack of access to or completion of educational goals

Lack of meaningful activity (including voluntary work)

Length of illness absence/time to return to work from sick leave due to mental health conditions

Social isolation and connectedness

Subjective social isolation/loneliness

Objective social isolation/social network

Social capital

Family, intimate and caring relationships

Difficulties with:

Partner/sexual relationships (achieving or sustaining a relationship)

Maintaining parenting roles or contact with children

Maintaining contact or cohabitation with family members

Caring responsibilities (maintaining caring role)

Victimisation and exploitation

Victim of crime (general)

Sexual or physical assault

Domestic violence and coercive control

Exploitation, harassment and safeguarding concerns


Risk of offending (prevention/diversion from offending)

Transition from prison to community


Rights, inclusion and citizenship

Social exclusion/difficulties with social participation (including digital exclusion)

Difficulties with access to public services

Immigration status (resolution of status, access to support)

Lack of privacy or dignity resulting from social circumstances