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Table 2 Average relapse rate during follow-up period

From: Healthcare resource utilization and costs before and after long-acting injectable antipsychotic initiation in commercially insured young adults with schizophrenia


Period from index date to the end of F/U, among patients who initiated LAI after index date (N = 2222)

From index date to LAI initiation

From LAI initiation to end of F/U

P value

Relapse rate (PPPM)a,b



< 0.0001

 Hospitalization rate (PPPM)



< 0.0001

 ER rate (PPPM)




  1. ER emergency room, F/U follow-up, LAI long-acting injectable, PPPM per patient per month
  2. aRelapse is defined as hospitalization or ER visits with a diagnosis of schizophrenia as primary or secondary diagnosis, assessed from index date to the end of follow-up (F/U) period
  3. bRate in PPPM is calculated as “number of events within the specific period” divided by “duration of the specific period in months” for a given patient