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Table 3 Comparisons of mental health and help-seeking outcomes (unadjusted and adjusted) before and after a multi-modal doctor intervention

From: Effectiveness of a multi-modal hospital-wide doctor mental health and wellness intervention





Baseline (2017 sample)

Follow-up (2019 sample)

Mean (SD); range

Mean (SD); range

p value

p value

Psychological distress

18.6 (6.3); 10—50

17.7 (6.5); 10—50




n (%) Yes

n (%) Yes


Suicidal ideation

26 (11.8)

20 (7.8)



Help-seeking confidence

131 (58.2)

157 (61.3)



Help-seeking behaviour

38 (17.3)

33 (12.9)



  1. aAdjusted for type of medical degree and presence of children at home