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Table 4 Intentions to leave work and degree of satisfaction with job (5-point Likert scale strongly disagree to strongly agree)

From: Burnout, stress and intentions to leave work in New Zealand psychiatrists; a mixed methods cross sectional study


Strongly disagree/disagree Frequency (%)

Neither agree nor disagree % (n)

Strongly agree/agree % (n)

I plan to leave my job within the next 6–12 months

196 (57%)

69 (20%)

77 (23%)

If I was able, I would leave my current job

131 (37%)

66 (18%)

45% (161)


Very dissatisfied/dissatisfied

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Satisfied and very satisfied

Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your job?

106 (29%)

95 (26%)

166 (45%)