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Table 3 Correlation between age, BMI, lifestyle variables, and SP frequency during the last month, year, and lifetime in individual groups of participants

From: Risk factors of sleep paralysis in a population of Polish students

The number of SP episodes:

Participants reported mental disorder

Participants reported somatic disease

Participants reported two or more health problem

Any mental disorders







Two health problem

Three or more health problem

in the last month

-frequency of alcohol consumption per month, R = 0.28

- Average sleep duration in hours per day, R = −0.32


-number of coffee cups per day, R = 0.5


-BMI, R = 0.7

number of coffee cups per day, R = 0.31


in the last year

- number of hours of physical activity per week, R = 0.47

- average sleep duration in hours per day, R = −0.51

- number of hours of physical activity per week, R = 0.51

-age, R = −0.33

-number of coffee cups per day, R = 0.49 - average sleep duration in hours per day, R = −0.42

-age, R = −0.63

- average sleep duration in hours per day, R = −0.72


-age, R = −0.42

throughout the lifetime

- number of hours of physical activity per week, R = 0.43

- average sleep duration in hours per day, R = −0.47 - number of hours of physical activity per week, R = 0.43

- number of hours of physical activity per week, R = 0.48


-number of coffee cups per day, R = 0.4

-number of hours of physical activity per week, R = 0.38


Participants reporting regularly taking medication

Number of SP episodes:

Any medications

thyroid hormones

hormonal contraception


antiallergic and anti-asthmatic

in the last month

- average sleep duration in hours per day, R = −0.33


in the last year

- number of hours of physical activity per week, R = 0.46


-BMI, R = 0.34

-number of coffee cups per day, R = 0.36

-average sleep duration in hours per day, R = 0.39

-age, R = 0.41

throughout the lifetime

- number of hours of physical activity per week, R = 0.35

- number of cigarettes smoked per day, R = 0.34

- number of pack-years, R = 0.34


- average sleep duration in hours per day, R = 0.36

-age, R = 0.42

  1. The correlation between age, BMI, lifestyle variables, and the number of SP episodes during the last month, year, and lifetime in individual groups of participants using the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (R). Significance coefficients, p < 0.05