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Table 1 Baseline demographics and clinical characteristics (observed cases)

From: Real-world effectiveness of vortioxetine in outpatients with major depressive disorder: functioning and dose effects


Total (n = 336)

Age, years

47.9 ± 14.3

Sex, n (%)



216 (64.3)


120 (35.7)

Educational level, n (%)


  Primary education

24 (7.1)

  Secondary education

133 (39.6)

  Higher education

179 (53.3)

Working status, n (%)


  Working full-time

139 (41.4)

  Working part-time

49 (14.6)

  Unable to work due to depression/anxiety

12 (3.6)

  Unable to work due to reasons other than depression

8 (2.4)

  Seeking work

17 (5.1)

  Not working by choice

111 (33.0)

Living status, n (%)


  Living with a partner

274 (81.5)

  Living alone

62 (18.5)

Newly diagnosed, n (%)

182 (54.2)

Family history of MDD, n (%)

108 (32.1)

MDD duration, years

3.5 ± 6.1

No. of depressive episodes, n (%)



163 (48.5)


100 (29.8)

  ≥ 2

73 (21.7)

  1. MDD major depressive disorder
  2. Values are mean ± standard deviation unless otherwise indicated