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Table 2 Themes covered in the SC training curriculum

From: Improving psychiatric nurses’ competencies in spiritual care and integration of clients’ religion/spirituality into mental healthcare: outcomes of an online spiritual care training program

Goal: To improve the psychiatric nurses’ competencies in SC and integration of clients’ R/S into clinical practice.

Target group: Psychiatric nurses in the intervention group (Group 1 = 25 and Group 2 = 25)

Expected duration: Four two-hour sessions in four weeks

Training methods: Lectures and tutorials, PowerPoint presentations, case reports sharing, Video clips and short movies, audio-visual materials, group discussion, role playing, Web-based learning, oral reports and storytelling, contributions of work-based experiences, questions and answers, assignments, book reading about SC

Evaluation method: Pre-test and post-test scores obtained from SCCS and RSIPAS were compared.


Main topic



Introduction and attitudes towards SC and integration clients’ R/S into clinical practice

- Introduction and explanation of the goals and expectations related to the SC training

- Definition of R/S concepts; similarities and differences

- Spiritual health and R/S needs of clients in mental healthcare, and R/S diversity in clients

-Effects of the spiritual health on other dimensions of health

- The importance of spiritually and SC in mental healthcare

- Definition and outcomes of SC and integration of client’s R/S in to mental healthcare

- History and condition of SC in mental healthcare and national policies on providing SC care

- Definition of concepts like forgiveness, thankfulness, mindfulness, presence, hope, meaning, connection to transcendent power, spiritual change, and ultimate reality.

-Orientation toward the role of chaplains and R/S leaders, as members of the multidisciplinary team in providing SC

- Barriers and challenges of SC and integration of client’s R/S in mental healthcare settings

- Definition of competencies for SC and integration of clients’ R/S into clinical practice

- Assignment: Writing examples and case reports based on the psychiatric nurses’ clinical experiences to assess R/S in clients in mental healthcare settings (as the first step in nursing process to discuss about it in next sessions)


Integration of SC in the nursing process

(Assessing spirituality in mental healthcare)

- Assessment of spiritual needs of clients in mental healthcare settings

-Self-consciousness and self-assessment, identification of limitations of the nurses’ skills with regard to assessing clients’ mental healthcare

- Identification of the methods for assessing clients’ R/S and collection of the clients’ spiritual history (standardized assessment tools, manualized interventions, empirically supported practical behaviors related to clients’ characteristics and preferences)

- Assessment of the clients’ reactions to the feelings of loneliness, weakness, disease, and death

-Introduction of some question examples to assess and take history from the clients’ spiritual and religious beliefs/values

- Recognition of the clients’ R/S sources and mental healthcare settings

-Distinguishing between spiritual experiences and psychopathology

- Assignment: Discuss about the case reports and experiences of nurses, R/S assessment in the cases suggested by nurses, administration of the questionnaires and model suggested by instructors.


Integration of SC in the nursing process (nursing diagnosis and problems and interventions)

- Nursing diagnosis/problems and implementation of SC interventions:

- Recognition of the nursing diagnosis and R/S problems of the clients in the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders

- Use of verbal/non-verbal skills related to the clients’ culture

- Use of communication skills with respect to SC

- Recognition of positive and negative R/S coping strategies

- Spiritual distress indicators and verbal statements of the clients with regard to spiritual distress

- Planning for the implementation of R/S care and applying the principles of R/S services

- Nurses’ application of the necessary skills to provide R/S interventions, such as active and compassionate communication, humor, touch, music therapy, and self-awareness

- Interventions to reduce spiritual distress, decrease R/S problems, and promote spiritual growth of the clients by cooperation other R/S care professionals, such as chaplains/pastors

- Recognition of R/S conflicts, personal needs of patients in relation to R/S

- Reffering the clients/their families to members of the multidisciplinary team (e.g., chaplains and R/S leaders) timely in the case of requiring help in their theological beliefs and rise of conflicts

-Having awarrness about personal limitations in providing SC and consulting with other members of the multidisciplinary team (e.g., psychologists, chaplains, R/S leaders, and counsellors) as deemed necessary

- Introducing R/S resources, supporting systems/agencies to clients and their families (e.g., place for worship and support groups)

- Application of the clinical guidelines localized for SC and clients’ R/S in to nursing in Iran

- Assignment: determining problems in spiritual diagnoses in case reports as well as designing appropriate interventions for such problems


Integration of SC in the nursing process (Evaluation and documentation)

- Evaluation of the SC outcomes for the clients in mental healthcare

- Application of the evaluation methods for the R/S interventions

- Evaluation of variables related to clients, nurses, and treatment process that affect the appropriateness and effectiveness of spiritual interventions in mental healthcare

- Documentation of the SC integration in the nursing process and composition of comprehensive nursing notes based on the holistic care

- Limitations / barriers and ethical challenges in the SC at mental healthcare settings

- Reflection on the personal experiences related to the aspects of SC and integration of the clients’ R/S in mental healthcare settings

- Planning for clients’ discharge and follow-up on their R/S problems in home care

- Ensuring about the follow-up by providing SC feedback to clients and other stakeholders

- Summary and conclusion of the training program

- Assignment: A review of the case reports designed in previous sessions, nursing process, and evaluation of the SC.