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Table 1 Four-factor solution derived from the initial EFA

From: Development of a novel, theoretically motivated scale to assess cognitive learning styles related to the autism spectrum


Factor 1

Factor 2

Factor 3

Factor 4

A1 I tend to solve problems step-by-step




A2 I find it easier to solve problems when I have clear instruction



A3 I am better when memorizing things that have clear structure



A4 I prefer to do tasks that I have done before than tasks that are new to me





A5 I perform better when I am asked to do a task that I already know



A6 My performance is poor when I have to do two tasks at the same time




A7 I am able to listen and read at the same timea





A8 I prefer tasks that demand different skills such as hearing and reading at the same time





A9 I make more mistakes when I have a lot to do




A10 I am flexible in performing different types of tasks





A11 I prefer tasks that are predictable



A12 It is easy for me to apply my current knowledge to other tasks





A13 It is difficult to perform tasks that demand new regularities





A14 I learn content better when it has clear instructions





A15 I prefer to multitask





A16 I am easily distracted by new stimuli




A17 I easily adapt given redundant information


A18 I prefer to focus on details than the whole



A19 It is hard for me to memorize detailsa





A20 When there are less options to choose, I make better decisions




A21 I get overwhelmed when I have to choose one option among different possible options




A22 I am better with rigid relationships than with flexible relationships


A23 I do not go beyond the instructions as I believe that this is the best way to determine the solution





A24 I prefer to have precise training than flexible training





A25 I easily find specific words in a paragraph of text





A26 I perform poorly when I am asked to figure out the main idea when reading





A27 More information/data regarding a problem that I am solving is always helpful





A28 I have a hard time separating the signal from noise





A29 I get overwhelmed when I have too many tasks to do




A30 I feel that it would be easy for me to learn a bunch of unrelated things





A31 I tend to remember more general information about things




A32 It’s hard for me to learn things one-by-onea



A33 I’m always looking two steps ahead




A34 I like to learn things exactly





A35 I am great at dealing with new situations





A36 I prefer to view things in isolation




A37 I hate it when I have to decide between two things that differ on many dimensions





A38 I like being precise about things





A39 Things need to be quite different for me to be able to tell them apart




A40 I tend to take things too literally





A41 Learning new things makes me forget old ones





A42 I never take anything at “face value”




A43 I realize that everything has nuances





A44 Most things tend to have very unique meanings





A45 I am good at “filling in the gaps” when I am learning something




A46 A lot of things are not very complex





A47 It is easy for me to learn things that can be grouped togethera




A48 My memory for previous things is not affected by learning new onesa





A49 I can easily tell things apart




A50 I do not need to learn things precisely





A51 I like it when I have to decide between two things that differ according to a single dimension




A52 I always try to see connections between things




A53 I prefer situations that I am used to dealing with



A54 I do not like it when something seems fuzzy to me





A55 I never have trouble predicting what is going to happen next




A56 I am not good at “intuiting” things




A57 I often fail to see the relation between things




A58 I always assume that there is “more to the picture than meets the eye”





A59 I tend to remember specific details about things




A60 Most things have meaning in relation to other things




  1. Items that are bolded were retained and only factor loading above ± .200 are reported in the table. Italic items are cross-loadings.
  2. a These items were later dropped from the scale on the basis of the CFA results