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Table 2 Baseline mental status examination results prior to varenicline administration

From: Varenicline induced auditory hallucinations in a young female with bipolar disorder: a case report

MSE Factor

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 11

Day 12

Appearance and Behavior

Fair grooming and hygiene. No psychomotor disturbances were noted

Good rapport but somewhat superficial

Somewhat over familiar—making some facial gestures and leaning in during conversation. Fair grooming and hygiene. No psychomotor disturbances. Fair eye contact

Less overfamiliar today. Fair grooming and hygiene. No psychomotor disturbances. Fair eye contact

Good eye contact. did not appear over familiar or disinhibited today. reasonable grooming. no psychomotor agitation

Good eye contact. did not appear over familiar or disinhibited today. reasonable grooming. no psychomotor agitation


Her speech was fast and often difficult to interrupt

Soft but rapid. Not pressured. Interruptible

Speech—Soft but rapid. Not pressured. Interruptible

Soft but rapid. Not pressured. Interruptible

Rapid speech verging pressured at times

Speech less rapid, pressured today


Affect was labile, dysphoric. Mood was described as low

Mood "pretty good" and affect mildly labile. More tearful today

Affect/Mood—Mood "pretty good" and affect mildly labile. Some tearfulness

Mood "pretty good" and affect mildly labile. More irritable today

Mood 'down' affect—calm, no lability. no irritability

Mood 'better' affect—calm, mild irritability when writer was having difficulty following her mildly disorganized account of the recent months

Thought Form


Fairly organized

Initially organized though became quite tangential when discussing male acquaintance

Fairly organized

Difficult to follow events of the last few years—convoluted at times,

Convoluted at times

Thought Content

There were delusions of paranoia and referential delusions as well. Thought process was circumstantial and at times tangential. She denied any perceptual disturbances and she did not appear to be responding to any internal stimuli

No suicidal ideation (SI) or homicidal ideation (HI); no overt paranoia voiced today. (May hear [mumbling] at times but this does not sound like AH)

No SI or HI; remains paranoid about men in community (may be based in reality)

Denies perceptual abnormality

No SI or HI; remains paranoid about men in community (may be based in reality)

Denies perceptual abnormality

No SI or HI; remains paranoid about "pimp ring' in community (? reality based). not attending to internal stimuli during interview

No SI or HI; remains paranoid about "pimp ring' in community (? appears reality based)



Intact, superficial

Intact, superficial

Intact, superficial

Intact, superficial

Intact, superficial



Likely poor

Likely poor

Likely poor

Slowly improving

Slowly improving

Psychiatrist l

Psychiatrist 1

Psychiatrist 2

Psychiatrist 2

Psychiatrist 2

Psychiatrist 3

Psychiatrist 3