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Table 1 Means (standard deviations) and proportions (N) of the main variables of the study for the participants at T1 and T2

From: Among the swedish generation of adolescents who experience an increased trend of psychosomatic symptoms. Do they develop depression and/or anxiety disorders as they grow older?

Samples T1 and T2


% (N)//M (Sd)


%(N)//M (Sd)

F or χ2, df, and p

Total sample

%(N)//M (Sd)

Independent variables

Psychosomatic symptoms T1

8.05 (4.50)

10.65 (4.95)

108.547 (1, 1552), p < .001

9.53 (4.92)

Somatic symptoms T1

2.10 (1.44)

2.97 (1.53)

132.47 (1, 1570), p < .001

2.60 (1.51)

Psychological symptoms T1

2.33 (1.38)

3.00 (1.51)

79.27 (1, 1563), p < .001

2.71 (1.49)

Musculoskeletal symptoms T1

1.66 (1.55)

2.10 (1.66)

28.24 (1, 1550), p < .001

1.91 (1.63)

High anxiety symptoms (RCMAS) T1

5% (35)

19% (169)

60.31, df = 1, p < .001

13% (204)

High depressive symptoms (DSRS) T1

6% (42)


318.84; df = 1, p < .001

12% (190)

Dependent variables

High anxiety symptoms (RCMAS) T2

6.5% (43)

33% (293)

152.22, df = 1, p < .001

21% (336)

High depressive symptoms (DSRS) T2

14% (91)

33% (296)

74.64 (1), p < .001

25% (387)