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Table 1 Sample characteristics before treatment exposure

From: Moderators of long-term treatment outcome when comparing two group interventions for adolescents with ADHD: who benefits more from DBT-based skills training?


SSTG n = 71

Control group n = 57a

Sex, n (%)


44 (62.0)

36 (63.2)

Age (years)

 Mean (SD)

16.52 (0.91)

16.68 (0.95)

 Younger (15–16), n (%)

29 (40.8)

22 (38.6)

 Older (17–18), n (%)

42 (59.2)

35 (61.4)

ADHD medication, n (%)

 Use of medication

51 (71.8)

47 (82.5)

ADHD presentation (MINI-KID), n (%)


27 (38.0)

28 (49.1)


27 (38.0)

19 (33.3)


2 (2.8)

1 (1.8)


15 (21.1)

9 (15.8)

ADHD symptoms, mean (SD)

 Self-rated hyperactivity/impulsivity

17.94 (7.42)

19.46 (8.61)

 Self-rated inattention

22.30 (6.96)

23.59 (6.52)

 Parental rated hyperactivity/impulsivity

18.11 (6.73)

16.84 (8.20)

 Parental rated inattention

26.30 (5.17)

24.40 (5.74)

Symptoms of psychiatric comorbidity, mean (SD)

 Self-rated anxiety

8.99 (4.76)

9.49 (4.14)

 Self-rated symptoms of depression

6.44 (3.82)

5.96 (3.46)

 Self-rated conduct problems

2.80 (1.65)

3.00 (2.05)

 Parental rated conduct problems

2.87 (1.96)

2.51 (1.96)

Impairment of emotional dysregulation, n (%)c

 Much impairment

38 (53.5)

28 (50.0)

 Little impairment

33 (46.5)

28 (50.0)

Functional impairment, mean (SD)

 Self-rated impairment

14.13 (7.39)

14.34 (7.10)

 Parental rated impairment

25.94 (10.10)

23.42 (11.23)

  1. ADHD Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, MINI-KID Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents, SD standard deviation, SSTG structured skills training group
  2. aFor the self-ratings, n = 56
  3. bUnspecified ADHD includes participants who did not fulfill the criteria for any of the main presentations in the MINI-KID interview
  4. cAssessed using a question from the questionnaire Impact of ADHD Symptoms, constructed by the research team, where a score ≥ 5 was categorized as much impairment and a score ≤ 4 was categorized as little impairment