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Table 2 Major response categories to open-ended post-intervention survey questions

From: Evaluation of a pilot, community-led mental illness de-stigmatization theater intervention in rural Uganda

If you had a conversation about mental illness after seeing the play, with whom did you have the conversation? a

What was the conversation about? c

What did you learn from the play and training? d

Relative(s) (61%)b

Patients can fully recover with medical treatment (45%)

Patients can fully recover with medical treatment (68%)

Neighbor(s) (36%)b

Patients should not be taken to a traditional healer/pastor (30%)

You should take patients to the health center (65%)

Friends(s) (18%)b

Summarized the play (28%)

Patients should not be taken to a traditional healer/pastor (35%)

Customers (2%)b

There is a clinician who can treat mental illness (21%)

Summarized the play (32%)


Patients need community/family support (13%)

Patients need community/family support (21%)


Causes, signs, symptoms (13%)

  1. a93% (53 people) reported having a conversation after seeing the play; only 44 people were asked with whom
  2. bNumber indicates percentage of participants that had a conversation with this party; some participants indicated multiple categories of people
  3. cQuestion added just after the start of the survey, so not all participants were asked this question
  4. dAll respondents were asked this question