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Table 3 Synthesis of responses across all focus groups

From: Evaluation of a pilot, community-led mental illness de-stigmatization theater intervention in rural Uganda

Response Categorya

Most Common Response and Themesb


Physical damage to the brain, terminal physical illness

Witchcraft (curses, ancestral spirits)

Family and relationship struggles, domestic violence

Stress, poverty, poor living conditions, alcohol/drug abuse

Signs and Symptoms

Confusion and abnormal behavior: hallucinations, wandering far from home, disconnection from reality, running/walking around naked, eating from the trash, talking nonsense, restlessness

Violent behavior: raping children, destruction of property, throwing stones at and beating others

Physical changes: loss of appetite, headache, blurred vision, tearing eyes, nystagmus


Hospitals and modern medicine, prayer, and traditional healers are all valid initial treatments

If the mental illness was caused by witchcraft, modern medicine will not be able to cure it, only traditional medicine will be effective

Religion is recommended to people who are struggling with mental illness as a form of counseling

Treatment for mental illness should include counseling and community support


It is possible for people to recover fully from mental illnesses and return to their roles in society

If treatment fails, people with mental illnesses should be tied up with rope/chains until death for the safety of themselves and others

There should be a rehabilitation or isolation center (a protected place) where people can go if they remain untreated

General Comments

Mental illness isn’t very common in our communities

We are afraid of those with mental illnesses, even though not all are violent; we don’t want them as our neighbors; we don’t want to work with them

Those with mental illness

cannot work in regular jobs and shouldn’t be given responsibilities

are a burden on society

are dangerous because of violent behavior

We as a community have a responsibility to care for people with mental illnesses; they deserve our sympathy

We need to be more tolerant of those with mental illnesses

  1. aResponses to the focus group questions were sorted into five qualitative categories based on participants’ open-ended responses. Prominent themes have been summarized for each area of discussion
  2. bThese findings informed the criteria for the theater intervention