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Table 5 Qualitative findings and example quotes

From: Delivering the Thinking Healthy Programme as a universal group intervention integrated into routine antenatal care: a randomized-controlled pilot study



Example quotes


Factors for participation. (Willingness to become informed parents, socialization, interactive virtual training)

a. “Awareness is important, I aimed to raise my awareness and become a better parent so my child become a conscious individual.” ÖA, 29 y, housewife, THP

b. “I had no idea about pregnancy, Therefore I was reading books and I was searching for antenatal classes in the hospitals, nearby” GK, 31 y, housewife, THP

c. “I thought that interactive nature of the classes will be good. It is good to have the opportunity to ask questions” CL, 33y, chemical engineer

d. “I have been looking for a childbirth education program but I was worried about transportation as I have a little one. When I heard that it’s online, I immediately wanted to join.” SK, 24y, housewife, THP

e. “We could reach out the working mothers with the online sessions” Nurse Ö


Perceived benefits. (Normalization of feelings and thoughts, improved relationship with significant others, increased maternal self- efficacy and confidence, promotion of healthy lifestyle habits, increased psychosocial well-being, bonding with the baby, dissemination of information, social networking)

a. “I noticed how bad I am sleeping and that my mental status was not good when I was answering the questions (during assessments).” DT, 22y, housewife, THP

b. “I had negative thoughts since my husband is working in another city and not coming often. I learned how to transform my negative thoughts into positive thoughts. I noticed that my negative thoughts can also impact the health of the baby” 22y, technic service personnel, THP

c. “We were trying to change our unhealthy thoughts with healthy thoughts. Doing this together, we were able to see that other women also were experiencing similar issues.” 28y, housewife, THP

d. “I was so emotional before the sessions. I had negative thoughts which I have learned to change into positive thoughts. I even think that the sessions changed my personality” 25 y, housewife, THP

e. “One of the best things was seeing that other women were also distressed like me. I was feeling guilty like is pregnancy was too much for me but I see that other women were feeling the same” 30 y, municipality worker, THP

f. “I had an abortus after which I was so depressed. I was distressed that I will lose this baby too. I overcome such negative thoughts with the help of this program” 24y, housewife, THP

g. “I had so many question marks in my head. I wonder if I can be enough as a mother? How can I deal with this? When I was told about such a project, I said I was in the right place. I definitely have to do this. …….. There’s been a lot of things that this program added to me” 31 y, worker, THP

h. “I started to talk to the baby and listen music with the baby” 33y, chemical engineer, THP

i. “I took notes and shared them with my pregnant friends. They were very happy with that” 31 y, housewife, THP

j. “The sessions obviously improved my marital relationship. I used to be an easily offended person. Now my husband says that he is surprised that I’m not crying easily anymore. I’m also feeling different than past. I feel emotionally stronger” 22y, housewife

k. “I did breathe exercises outside in clean air and noticed that I can sleep better.” 31 y, worker

l. “I was so stressed and nervous, that I was reflecting these to my husband and friends. Now when I get angry about something I just take a moment and do my breathing exercises and relax” 24y, housewife, THP

m. “I did not know that the breathing exercises can relax my baby, too. When I start doing my breathing exercises my baby begins to move” 29 y, housewife, THP

n. “Watching videos together with the nurse was better. After watching the videos, we were discussing and asking our questions. This was helping with focusing and seeing other points” 24y, housewife, THP

o. “Visualization of the feelings by the charts was useful. Normally you can’t remember if asked how you felt in the last week but in the charts, you can see how your feelings changed” 33y, chemical engineer, THP

p. “It wasn’t just like a training but it was as if the girls have met.” 31y, worker, THP

q. “In general, I was very happy that such a project is being conducted in my country. Most of the publications I read were from other countries and I was thinking why such projects were not done in my country and why we would apply results of other studies in our own country without knowing the results it in our country” 33y, chemical engineer

III. Feasibility

Appreciation of new knowledge

a. “Thinking healthy program should be integrated into all pregnancy schools, mothers should be aware that if they feel well, their baby feel well, too.” Nurse

b. “I will use what I have learned in this program in my routine pregnancy classes.” Nurse

c. “As a team, I believe that it is a good work. Calling us, giving information before the training, conducting a survey, I thought that it was a nice and good team at every stage. I had no distrust towards anyone.” 28y, housewife, THP

IV. Implementation

Proper implementation (content, views of nurses, potential barriers, skills of facilitators)

a. “The content was rich especially about stress management, mental changes during pregnancy, but there could be more about birth and newborn care” 33y, chemical engineer, THP

b. “The trainer had a good energy that I really appreciated. Even some participants were not active, she kept her energy high” CL, 33y, chemical engineer, THP

c. “She was self-confident. She invited everyone to the conversations.” FÇ, 22 y, technic service personnel, THP

d. “I preferred to leave my camera on. Some participants were doing housework like ironing while the camera is off, but you know you are being listened while the cameras are on. Leaving the cameras off may also demotivate the trainers.” CL, 33y, chemical engineer, THP

e. “I would like to meet the people face to face since a connection was built among us” 31 y, housewife, THP

f. “I think it is better to participate with the partners. Fathers should get involved in raising the child as much as the mothers. In fact, they need more training that us, the mothers. We might not notice the psychological changes that the fathers are experiencing” 33y, chemical engineer, THP

g. “Compared to the face-to-face trainings, in online sessions, focusing is more difficult. Sometimes, somebody lost connection and when you wait her to be connected again you can be distracted.” 33y, chemical engineer, THP