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Table 3 Characteristics of patients with severe mental disorders or an episode of involuntary care in Norway in 2015

From: The relationship between area levels of involuntary psychiatric care and patient outcomes: a longitudinal national register study from Norway


All included patients in 2015a

Under involuntary care in 2015

No involuntary care in 2015b

N (%)

21 481 (100)

6 853 (31.9)

14 628 (68.1)

Age in years, mean (s.d.)c

40.2 (12.5)

39.7 (12.6)

40.4 (12.4)

Female, n (%)d

10 432 (48.6)

2 982 (43.5)

7 450 (50.9)

Male, n (%)d

11 049 (51.4)

3 871 (56.5)

7 178 (49.1)

ICD 10 diagnosis, n (%)


621 (2.9)

621 (9.1)



11 056 (51.5)

4 074 (59.4)

6 982 (47.7)


8 668 (40.4)

1 022 (14.9)

7 646 (52.3)


203 (0.9)

203 (3.0)



246 (1.1)

246 (3.6)



687 (3.2)

687 (10.0)


Urbanicity, n (%)d


7 109 (33.1)

2 545 (37.1)

4 564 (31.2)


6 409 (29.8)

2 117 (30.9)

4 292 (29.3)


2 821 (13.1)

797 (11.6)

2 024 (13.8)


2 077 (9.7)

563 (8.2)

1 514 (10.4)


3 065 (14.3)

831 (12.1)

2 234 (15.3)

Involuntary care status, n (%)

6 853 (31.9)

6 853 (100)


  Inpatient, n (%)

5 581 (26.0)

5 581 (81.4)


  Outpatient, n (%)

3 283 (15.3)

3 283 (47.9)


  Both forms, n (%)

2 011 (9.4)

2 011 (29.3)


  Sentenced to involuntary care in criminal court, n (%)

178 (0.8)

178 (2.6)


  1. aPatients were included in the sample if they were either diagnosed with F20-31 or exposed to involuntary inpatient or outpatient care or both
  2. bDue to the inclusion criteria, data are not available for all variables
  3. cIndependent samples t-test P-value for difference between patients exposed vs not exposed to involuntary care in 2015 < .001
  4. dχ2-test P-values for difference between patients exposed vs not exposed to involuntary care in 2015 < .001
  5. eAmong ‘other’ diagnoses, organic (F00-09) and neurotic (F40-48) disorders were most common