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Table 1 Brief description of the RTW-PIA core modules according to the TIDieR checklist

From: Evaluating a multimodal, clinical and work-directed intervention (RTW-PIA) to support sustainable return to work among employees with mental disorders: study protocol of a multicentre, randomised controlled trial

Brief name

Module A. Individual RTW support

Module B. RTW aftercare group meetings

Module C. Web-based aftercare


The aim is to provide professional support to the participants by assessing their current professional and personal obstacles and resources when returning to work. Helpful and hindering factors of the working environment will be assessed.

The aim is to develop confidence in the RTW process by strengthening the participant´s work ability and self-efficacy through mutual support, group cohesion and stigma reduction.

The aim is to facilitate a behaviour change during as well as after the RTW course so as to implement it in everyday work life. Participants should prepare themselves to deal proactively with inevitable crises and challenging working conditions so as to prevent future relapses.

What (procedure)

Individual support during the RTW-process is provided according to the four-phase model of vocational reintegration (Co-orientation, Coordination, Cooperation, Re-co-orientation) [16]. The process of RTW is discussed, prepared, and followed up in detail according to the phases. In some cases, the IG-TP may contact the company doctor (e.g. via phone) and accompany RTW meetings with the employer.

Aftercare group during the RTW process is provided according to the IGLOO model [18]. The treatment focuses on promoting resources, including individual resources (e.g. stress detection and management techniques, interpersonal skills at work), as well as on using the provided organisational and group-level resources to enhance working conditions. Mindfulness practices are provided at the start of every session via an e-mental health platform [71].

The web-based aftercare is provided on an e-mental health platform [71] and is aligned in concept and content with Modules A and B (e.g. stress management and mindfulness practices). It consists of 8 different thematic blocks. After the entry into a particular block that is coordinated by the IG-TP, participants can choose blocks according to personal preferences. This aftercare follows a blended-care approach, in which up to 3 video call sessions can be arranged.

Who provides

Each study centre consists of a multidisciplinary RTW-PIA treatment team (e.g. psychotherapists, psychiatrists, occupational therapists, social workers). The IG-TP should ensure continuity of treatment throughout Modules A-C.


It consists of face-to-face individual sessions between the participant and IG-TP, and follows a needs-oriented approach. Thus, the delivered treatment by the IG-TP is less standardised.

It consists of monthly face-to-face group sessions, consisting of 3–9 people. IG-TP have a motivating, resource-oriented attitude. The treatment delivered is to some extent manualised and serves as orientation/guidance.

It combines therapy elements, free text journaling, video calls and psycho-educational information. At the end of each block, IG-TP will give asynchronous (written) feedback. Module C follows a needs-oriented approach for which a written procedure was jointly agreed.


All sessions are delivered in the study centre, e.g. therapy rooms, and, if required, at the workplace of the participant.

Group therapy rooms in the study centres are available for the sessions.

It can be used on a PC/tablet/mobile phone from any desired location. Choosing a calm location is recommended.

When and how much

3–8 sessions (approx. 50 min/each) are scheduled for the first 6 months after study inclusion.

6–9 group meetings (100 min/each) are organised during the first 12 months after study inclusion.

It starts 6 months after study inclusion and can be used for 12 months. Usage time of 30 min/week is recommended.


Participation in 3–8 sessions is determined according to individual needs.

Participation in 6–9 sessions is determined according to individual needs, irrespective of the number of sessions of Module A attended.

It is provided to all IG participants, irrespective of the number of sessions of Modules A and B attended.

How well planned

All IG-TP have received at least one day of specific study training to ensure adherence to the intervention manual (see section of process evaluation, and Table 3 for further information). The IG-TP have biweekly case-based (cross-disciplinary) intervision which ensures good treatment quality.

  1. Abbreviation: IG-TP Intervention group-treatment providers