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Table 2 Study schedule of enrolment, interventions, and assessment

From: Evaluating a multimodal, clinical and work-directed intervention (RTW-PIA) to support sustainable return to work among employees with mental disorders: study protocol of a multicentre, randomised controlled trial

  1. -T1 Prior to study admission, T0 Baseline, T1 6 months, T2 12 months, T3 18 months, T4 24 months after completion of baseline assessment. AQoL-6D Assessment of Quality of Life-6 Dimension [75], BSI-18 Brief Symptom Inventory-18 [81], COPSOQ Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire [78], F-SozU K-6 Perceived Social Support Questionnaire brief form [91], KUSIV3 Interpersonal Trust Short Scale [88], NFAS Norwegian Function Assessment Scale [76], PHQ-9 Patient-Health Questionnaire-9 [87], RTW-SE Return to Work Self-Efficacy Scale [79], SIBAR Screening Instrument Work and Occupation [89], TiC-P Trimbos and Institute of Medical Technology Assessment Cost Questionnaire for Psychiatry [74], WAS Work Ability Score [83], ZUF-8 Questionnaire for Patient Satisfaction [94]
  2. 1Only applied if participant did return to work
  3. 2Only applied once if participant´s first day back at work was more than 12 months ago
  4. 3Adapted for Module A
  5. 4Adapted for Module B
  6. 5Adapted for Module C
  7. 6Adapted for overall intervention
  8. *Number of questions may vary depending on the participant´s response behaviour as well as the RTW-status
  9. *1Duration of the intervention depends on the participant´s needs and may therefore vary