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Table 3 Perceived understanding of the patient, questionnairea

From: Heart rate monitoring to detect acute pain in non-verbal patients: a study protocol for a randomized controlled clinical trial

Questions given at beginning and end of study period

Predicted change at end of study period

Factor 1: The caregiver’s understanding of the patient

When the patient is in pain or feels discomfort, I notice it

I notice when the patient is happy

When the patient is angry or irritated, I notice it

I notice it when the patient is afraid

I notice when the patient is sad

Factor 2: The patient's ability to express

The patient can tell me that he/she feels pain or discomfort

The patient can tell me that he/she is happy

The patient can tell me that he/she is angry

The patient can tell me that he/she is afraid

The patient can tell me that he/she is sad


Factor 3: The caregiver's emotional experiences

I feel unsure whether I have understood the user

I feel a sense of mastery because I understand the user

I feel stressed because I don't understand the user

I feel fear because I don't understand the user

Questions only included in survey given at the end of the study

Relative to before this study, how has your communication with the patient changed?

Relative to before this study, how has your way of working with the patient changed?

How satisfied are you with using HR as a means of communication?

How satisfied are you with using the program for situational analysis?

In general, how satisfied are you overall with system used in the trial?

How often did you experience the “beep” of the HR increase to be useful, and how often not to be?

What is the biggest roadblock for continuing use of the system in this study?

  1. aThe questionnaire was developed in the autumn of 2020, in collaboration with B. Hassel, J. & J. Frantsen. The questionnaire was based on a review of relevant literature, our own experience, and through discussion within the research group. The questionnaire was tested in a pilot study with 17 participants to perform an exploratory factor analysis. The modified questionnaire was distributed to 135 professional caregivers in 2021, and formed the basis of Kildal et al., 2023 (in preparation). Each item in factor 1, 2 and 3 is answered on a Likert scale ranging from “never” to “always”. The hypothesis is that the sum score for questions on communication will increase after HR use
  2. Questions only included in survey given at the end of the study are based on surveys for health technology satisfaction [91]