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Table 1 Sample dataset (cleaned)

From: Exploring the associations between auditory hallucinations and psychopathological experiences in 10,933 patient narratives: moving beyond diagnostic categories and surveys

Patient ID

Narrative (Unfiltered)

Narrative (Filtered)


I feel low mood. I don’t like doing anything, just feel lethargic.

Low mood, lethargy


I am always having apprehensions. Often I can’t sleep at night and the lack of sleep is making it difficult for me to carry out my jobs. These days, I often feel panic attacks.

Apprehensions, lack of sleep, panic attacks


I used to hear voices, and that used to make me feel anxious all the time. Often I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. But then I started my medications, and it’s much better now.

Hearing voices, anxiety, lack of sleep