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Table 12 Articles reporting significant improvement of postnatal depression after intervention

From: Mental health-related telemedicine interventions for pregnant women and new mothers: a systematic literature review

Postnatal depression (n = 28 articles in total)

Articles (n (%)) with at least one outcome with significant improvement [Literature References]

Kind of intervention

 Self-help tool (n = 20)

11 (55%)

[20, 36, 37, 39, 52, 58, 60, 63, 65, 67, 75]

 Support (n = 4)

2 (50%)

[46, 77]

 Treatment (n = 3)

1 (33%)


Intervention target

 Managing and coping with stress (n = 2)

1 (50%)


 Preventing stress/mental health impairment (n = 9)

6 (67%)

[36, 37, 46, 58, 65, 77]

 Strengthening mental health (n = 1)

1 (100%)


 Symptom reduction (n = 10)

5 (50%)

[20, 39, 52, 63, 66]

 Main intervention target not in the field of mental health (n = 6)

1 (17%)


Intervention contents

 iCBT (n = 9)

5 (56%)

[20, 39, 52, 58, 66]

 Education lessons (n = 8)

4 (50%)

[36, 37, 67, 75]

 Internet-based behavioural activation (iBA) (n = 1)

1 (100%)


 Mindfulness (n = 2)

2 (100%)

[60, 65]

 Peer support (n = 2)

2 (100%)

[46, 77]

Delivery mode

 App (n = 3)

1 (33%)


 Internet intervention: website (n = 17)

9 (53%)

[20, 37, 39, 52, 58, 60, 63, 65, 75]

 Telephone (n = 5)

2 (40%)

[46, 66]

 Telephone and app (n = 1)

1 (100%)


 Telephone, emails or other messengers (n = 1)

1 (100%)


Personal contacts

 Yes (n = 20)

9 (45%)

[20, 36, 46, 52, 63, 66, 67, 75, 77]

 No (n = 8)

5 (63%)

[37, 39, 58, 60, 65]